Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Shit. God Damn. Get Off Your Ass and Dance.

There's something so terribly hilarious about things not going according to plan. The whole scene of some carefully constructed motion falling flat on its face and crying like a broke ass.

That's not very clear so let me explain through an interpretive dance or example. If you select dance you'll have to envision it yourself as the photos didn't turn out too well.

Example: I'm riding a bus that is very clearly of the, "LIMITED," variety; basically it makes half the stops as a regular bus. So as I'm riding the afore mentioned bus someone next to me pulls the stop request chord as though he was requesting the stop the bus is about to pass by. Now the request itself was not unheard of, it was a busy stop for the regular bus, but this t'weren't no regula' bus, sucka. So I turn and watch as his eyes widen and the adrenaline of panic hit as the bus speeds on by his stop.

On hand, I feel bad for the guy; it sucks more ass than a rim-job fetish porn when you miss the stop you wanted, but at the same time that look of sheer unbridled panic was so awesome.

I don't like to think of it as taking joy in another's misfortune, but rather finding humor in an otherwise terrible incident. Humor itself is based on disconnects, when the expected does not happen, be it someone getting a pie in the face to cute animals tripping, it's all based on that sudden jolt our minds deliver when something funny happens.

Or I'm just rationalizing and I'm a terrible, terrible person.



Blogger T Kwong said...

Thanks, most people just think it's gross.


12:05 PM, February 24, 2005  

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