Oi, I've been a terrible blogger.
I like to think I'm a mostly harmless sort of person. That's not to say I won't retaliate harder than "Safe From Harm" should the situation arise, but rather that I don't really mean to be offensive.
Now, I suppose you're wondering, "why didn't you just say that in the first place?" To tell the truth, I don't really know. Probably because I wanted to talk about how I retaliate harder then "Safe From Harm" which is probably a sign I'm a collection of fetid, rusty artificical legs (useless and stinky), but I stand by my choice.
Where was I again? Oh, yeah.
I tell a lot of jokes that are in questionable taste. But, I mean, who doens't find that one about walking on babies HEE-LARIOUS? I don't know, I always worry that somebody will not realize I'm kidding when I make a chink joke and my fate will be sealed, sealed I tell you!
I never get tired of getting asked what I think about the Current (competing public radio station run by the evil empire itself: Minnesota Public Radio). By, "never get tired of," I mean, "stop asking me, you fools!" I don't know, how would
you feel if someone made a richer, lamer, and greedier version of you?
I guess the only thing I love more than being asked about how it makes me feel or what I think of it is hearing about how my friends gave it money. Thanks guys. Hey! I know! Let's go find a person who wants to kill me, except they don't have any bullets. Then, you can hook the cash up to buy them said ammunition because, hell, that'll be faster than funding the people taking money out of my pocket.
Or, hey, maybe you could support the station that does what that lame-ass pile of wealth claims to do. Seriously, give people a softer, more accessible version of what they say they want and instead of complaining, they eat it up. I'm sorry Radio K actually plays that variety you keep saying you're after. I'm sorry my poor little station plays that edgy stuff you claim to be all about.